Module 3 : Using Accounting Software (ITI COPA)
ITI COPA TRADE : आपके ITI COPA की परीक्षा जल्द ही होने वाली है इसलिए ये बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न आपके लिए अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण सिद्ध होंगे | आज की इस पोस्ट में आपको ITI COPA के Module 3 से सम्बंधित सभी प्रश्नों को यहाँ दिया गया है | जिससे आपके एग्जाम की अच्छी तैयारी हो जायेगी |
Q2. What is the purpose of financial management feature in Tally ?
Q3. Which area in Tally screen provides quick access to different options ?
Q4. Which is prepared to ascertain actual profit or loss of the business ?
Q5. What is meant by current date in Tally ?
Q6. Which are the things and properties for resale that converts into cash ?
Q7. Who receives benefits without giving money immediately but liable to pay in future ?
Q8. Which function key is used to record fund transfer between cash and bank account ?
Q9. Which document is issued by the receiver of cash to the fiver of cash acknowledging the cash received voucher ?
Q10. What is a summarized record of all the transactions to every person, every property and every type of service ?
Q11. Which is the main book of final entry for accounts ?
Q12. What is termed as excess of credit side total amount over debit side total amount in profit and loss account ?
Q13. Which book is used to record transactions relating to return of goods to suppliers ?
Q14. Which is a statement of assets and liabilities ?
Q15. Which accounting system is incomplete and unscientific ?
Q16. What is the rule for real account ?
Q17. Which shortcut key is used to activate calculator in Tally ?
Q18. Which activity in Tally is used to find out the financial position of the orgenisation ?
Q19. What is referred to as buying and selling of goods ?
Q20. Which factor determines the cost of the product ?
Q21. What is the shortcut key to export the report in ASCII, SDF, HTML or XML format ?
Q22. Who gives benefits without receiving money, but will claim in future ?
Q2. What is the purpose of financial management feature in Tally ?
Q3. What is the purpose of Inventory Management Feature in Tally ?
Q4. What is the purpose of security feature in Tally ?
Q5. Which term is used for receiving aspects of a transaction ?
Q6. What is the purpose to Tally audit feature in Tally ERP 9 ?
Q7. Which combination of key is used to change the financial period in Tally ?
Q8. Whic combination of key is used to open "Tally Reference Manual" ?
Q9. Which function of key is used the list/select a company in Tally ?
Q10. Where does the transactions are entered before taken to the appropriate ledger account ?
Q11. Which term is used for the amount invested for starting a business by a person ?
Q12. What is the purpose of Technological feature in Tally ?
Q13. Which term is used for giving aspect of a transaction ?
Q14. Which term is used for all the amounts payable by a business concern to outsiders ?
Q15. Which is a statement of all the ledger account balance prepared at the end of particular period to verify the accuracy of the entries ?
Q16. What is the purpose of Ctrl + Q key is the Gateway of Tally screen ?
Q17. What is the purpose of Alt + W key in Tally ?
Q18. Which combination of function key is used to open inventory voucher's entry menu ?
Q19. Which combiantion of key is used to save the information in Tally ?
Q20. Which shortcut key is used to shut a company from the gateway of Tally screen ?
Q21. Which register is used to post the journal entries periodically ?
Q22. Which sequence of option is used to view the trial balance on the screen ?
Q23. Which report displays the summary of all the cost centres under a cost category ?
Q24. Which function key is used to enter purchase ?
Q25. Which function key is used to enter receipts ?
Q26. Which shortcut key is used to open debit Note Voucher ?
Q27. Which shortcut key is used to open debit Note Voucher ?
Q28. Which shortcut key is used to remove a line in a report in report screen ?
Q29. Which feature offers a parallel classification of stock item ?
Q30. Which budget is prepared for a very short period ?
Q31. Which ratio evaluate the availability of cash to pay debit ?
Q32. Which function key is used to enter payment ?
Q33. Which report displays ledgers and group summary information for the selected cost centre ?
Q34. Which name indicates the decreasing value of an Asset ?
Q35. Which shortcut key is used to cancel a voucher in Day book / List of vouchers in Tally ?
नमस्कार दोस्तों 🙏 , स्वागत हैं आपका हमारी वेबसाइट "ज्ञान और शिक्षा" में |
Question Level - 1
Q1. What type of software is Tally ?- Accounting Software
- Application Software
- Language Translator
- System Software
Q2. What is the purpose of financial management feature in Tally ?
- Importing and exporting data
- For stoc Transfer
- To get daily balances and Transaction value
- To prepare purchase records
Q3. Which area in Tally screen provides quick access to different options ?
- Button bar
- Calculator
- Product info
- Work area
Q4. Which is prepared to ascertain actual profit or loss of the business ?
- Balance sheet
- Book keeping
- Profit and loss account
- Trading account
Q5. What is meant by current date in Tally ?
- Calendar date
- Last voucher date
- Last worked date
- System date
Q6. Which are the things and properties for resale that converts into cash ?
- Current assets
- Business Transaction
- Liabilities
- Purchase
Q7. Who receives benefits without giving money immediately but liable to pay in future ?
- Creditor
- Debtor
- Owner
- Worker
Q8. Which function key is used to record fund transfer between cash and bank account ?
- F4
- F5
- F6
- F7
Q9. Which document is issued by the receiver of cash to the fiver of cash acknowledging the cash received voucher ?
- Ledgers
- Journals
- Receipts
- Vouchers
Q10. What is a summarized record of all the transactions to every person, every property and every type of service ?
- Account
- Journals
- Ledgers
- Vouchers
Q11. Which is the main book of final entry for accounts ?
- Balance sheet
- Receipts
- Ledgers
- Vouchers
Q12. What is termed as excess of credit side total amount over debit side total amount in profit and loss account ?
- Credit
- Debit
- Loss
- Profit
Q13. Which book is used to record transactions relating to return of goods to suppliers ?
- Purchase book
- Purchase return book
- Sales book
- Sales return book
Q14. Which is a statement of assets and liabilities ?
- Balance sheet
- Journals
- Ledgers
- Trial Balance
Q15. Which accounting system is incomplete and unscientific ?
- Double Entry System
- Single Entry System
- Triple Entry System
- Multi Entry System
Q16. What is the rule for real account ?
- Debtor the receiver, Creditor the giver
- Debtor the giver, Creditor the receiver
- Debit comes in, Credit goes out
- Debit goes out, Credit comes in
Q17. Which shortcut key is used to activate calculator in Tally ?
- Ctrl + C
- Ctrl + M
- Ctrl + N
- Ctrl + T
Q18. Which activity in Tally is used to find out the financial position of the orgenisation ?
- Balance sheet
- Book keeping
- Trading
- Profit and loss
Q19. What is referred to as buying and selling of goods ?
- Normal account
- Real Account
- Profit and loss account
- Trading account
Q20. Which factor determines the cost of the product ?
- Direct cost
- Elements of cost
- Indirect cost
- Stantdard cost
Q21. What is the shortcut key to export the report in ASCII, SDF, HTML or XML format ?
- Alt + C
- Alt + D
- Alt + E
- Alt + X
Q22. Who gives benefits without receiving money, but will claim in future ?
- Creditor
- Debtor
- Owner
- Worker
Question Level - 2
Q1. Which is the ledger grouping for bills receivable in Tally ERP9 ?- Fixed asset
- Current asset
- Direct expenses
- Indirect expenses
Q2. What is the purpose of financial management feature in Tally ?
- Handles different types of vouchers
- Allows importing and exporting data
- Provides budgeting option
- Provides option for data backup
Q3. What is the purpose of Inventory Management Feature in Tally ?
- Provides option for data backup
- Provides all relevant information for any stock item in a single screen
- provides daily balance and transaction value
- Provides option to upload reports on the website directly
Q4. What is the purpose of security feature in Tally ?
- Provides budget option
- Provides option for data backup
- Provides option to upload reports
- Provides statement of accounts
Q5. Which term is used for receiving aspects of a transaction ?
- Credit
- Debit
- Profit
- Receipt
Q6. What is the purpose to Tally audit feature in Tally ERP 9 ?
- Allows easy analysis of result / report with graphical values
- Allows statutory reporting for VAT, CST, TCS, TDS, FBT, GST
- Allows splittting of company data into multiple companines
- Verify, validate and accept accounting information
Q7. Which combination of key is used to change the financial period in Tally ?
- F2
- Alt + F2
- Ctrl + F2
- Shift + F2
Q8. Whic combination of key is used to open "Tally Reference Manual" ?
- Alt + H
- Alt + M
- Alt + R
- Alt + T
Q9. Which function of key is used the list/select a company in Tally ?
- F1
- F3
- F5
- F7
Q10. Where does the transactions are entered before taken to the appropriate ledger account ?
- Balance sheet
- Journals
- Receipts
- Vouchers
Q11. Which term is used for the amount invested for starting a business by a person ?
- Asset
- Capital
- Debit
- Liabilities
Q12. What is the purpose of Technological feature in Tally ?
- Allows importing and exporting data
- Flexible units of measure
- Provides budgeting option
- Provies option for data backup
Q13. Which term is used for giving aspect of a transaction ?
- Credit
- Debit
- Journal
- Voucher
Q14. Which term is used for all the amounts payable by a business concern to outsiders ?
- Assets
- Capitals
- Debits
- Liabilities
Q15. Which is a statement of all the ledger account balance prepared at the end of particular period to verify the accuracy of the entries ?
- Journals
- Receipts
- Trial Balance
- Vouchers
Q16. What is the purpose of Ctrl + Q key is the Gateway of Tally screen ?
- Close the tally screen
- Quit tally current screen
- Exit with confimation
- Exit without confirmation
Q17. What is the purpose of Alt + W key in Tally ?
- Change the financial period
- Invoke Tally Reference Manual
- Open default web browser
- Exist Tally without confirmation
Q18. Which combination of function key is used to open inventory voucher's entry menu ?
- Alt + F1
- Alt + F2
- Alt + F5
- Alt + F7
Q19. Which combiantion of key is used to save the information in Tally ?
- Ctrl + A
- Ctrl + I
- Ctrl + S
- Ctrl + X
Q20. Which shortcut key is used to shut a company from the gateway of Tally screen ?
- Alt + F1
- Alt + F3
- Alt + F5
- Alt + F7
Q21. Which register is used to post the journal entries periodically ?
- Bill book
- Cash book
- Ledger
- Trial Balances
Q22. Which sequence of option is used to view the trial balance on the screen ?
- Gateway of Tally - Trial Balance
- Gateway of Tally - Display - Trial Balance
- Gateway to Tally - Accounts info - Trial Balance
- Gateway of Tally - Display - Account book - Trial Balance
Q23. Which report displays the summary of all the cost centres under a cost category ?
- Category summary
- Cost centre Break-up
- Group Break-up
- Ledger Break-up
Q24. Which function key is used to enter purchase ?
- F6
- F7
- F8
- F9
Q25. Which function key is used to enter receipts ?
- F2
- F4
- F6
- F8
Q26. Which shortcut key is used to open debit Note Voucher ?
- Alt + F9
- Alt + F10
- Ctrl + F9
- Ctrl + F10
Q27. Which shortcut key is used to open debit Note Voucher ?
- Alt + F9
- Alt + F10
- Ctrl + F9
- Ctrl + F10
Q28. Which shortcut key is used to remove a line in a report in report screen ?
- Alt + I
- Alt + R
- Alt + S
- Alt + X
Q29. Which feature offers a parallel classification of stock item ?
- Shock categories
- Stock group
- Stock item
- Stoch query
Q30. Which budget is prepared for a very short period ?
- Current budget
- Long term budget
- Rolling budget
- Short term budget
Q31. Which ratio evaluate the availability of cash to pay debit ?
- Activity ratio
- Debit ratio
- Liquidity ratio
- Market ratio
Q32. Which function key is used to enter payment ?
- F3
- F5
- F7
- F9
Q33. Which report displays ledgers and group summary information for the selected cost centre ?
- Category summary
- Cost centre Break-up
- Ledger Break - up
- Group Break - up
Q34. Which name indicates the decreasing value of an Asset ?
- Current asset
- Depreciation
- Indirect expenses
- Sundry debitor
Q35. Which shortcut key is used to cancel a voucher in Day book / List of vouchers in Tally ?
- Alt + D
- Alt + I
- Alt + S
- Alt + X
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