Module 3 : Using Accounting Software (ITI COPA)

ITI COPA TRADE : आपके ITI COPA की परीक्षा जल्द ही होने वाली है इसलिए ये बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न आपके लिए अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण सिद्ध होंगे | आज की इस पोस्ट में आपको ITI COPA के Module 3 से सम्बंधित सभी प्रश्नों को यहाँ दिया गया है | जिससे आपके एग्जाम की अच्छी तैयारी हो जायेगी |

नमस्कार दोस्तों 🙏 , स्वागत हैं आपका हमारी वेबसाइट "ज्ञान और शिक्षा" में |

Question Level - 1

Q1. What type of software is Tally ?
  1. Accounting Software
  2. Application Software
  3. Language Translator
  4. System Software

Q2. What is the purpose of financial management feature in Tally ?
  1. Importing and exporting data
  2. For stoc Transfer
  3. To get daily balances and Transaction value
  4. To prepare purchase records

Q3. Which area in Tally screen provides quick access to different options ?
  1. Button bar
  2. Calculator
  3. Product info
  4. Work area

Q4. Which is prepared to ascertain actual profit or loss of the business ?
  1. Balance sheet
  2. Book keeping
  3. Profit and loss account
  4. Trading account

Q5. What is meant by current date in Tally ?
  1. Calendar date
  2. Last voucher date
  3. Last worked date
  4. System date

Q6. Which are the things and properties for resale that converts into cash ?
  1. Current assets
  2. Business Transaction
  3. Liabilities
  4. Purchase

Q7. Who receives benefits without giving money immediately but liable to pay in future ?
  1. Creditor
  2. Debtor
  3. Owner
  4. Worker

Q8. Which function key is used to record fund transfer between cash and bank account ?
  1. F4
  2. F5
  3. F6
  4. F7

Q9. Which document is issued by the receiver of cash to the fiver of cash acknowledging the cash received voucher ?
  1. Ledgers
  2. Journals
  3. Receipts
  4. Vouchers

Q10. What is a summarized record of all the transactions to every person, every property and every type of service ?
  1. Account
  2. Journals
  3. Ledgers
  4. Vouchers

Q11. Which is the main book of final entry for accounts ?
  1. Balance sheet
  2. Receipts
  3. Ledgers
  4. Vouchers

Q12. What is termed as excess of credit side total amount over debit side total amount in profit and loss account ?
  1. Credit
  2. Debit
  3. Loss
  4. Profit

Q13. Which book is used to record transactions relating to return of goods to suppliers ?
  1. Purchase book
  2. Purchase return book
  3. Sales book
  4. Sales return book

Q14. Which is a statement of assets and liabilities ?
  1. Balance sheet
  2. Journals
  3. Ledgers
  4. Trial Balance

Q15. Which accounting system is incomplete and unscientific ?
  1. Double Entry System
  2. Single Entry System
  3. Triple Entry System
  4. Multi Entry System

Q16. What is the rule for real account ?
  1. Debtor the receiver, Creditor the giver
  2. Debtor the giver, Creditor the receiver
  3. Debit comes in, Credit goes out
  4. Debit goes out, Credit comes in

Q17. Which shortcut key is used to activate calculator in Tally ?
  1. Ctrl + C
  2. Ctrl + M
  3. Ctrl + N
  4. Ctrl + T

Q18. Which activity in Tally is used to find out the financial position of the orgenisation ?
  1. Balance sheet
  2. Book keeping
  3. Trading
  4. Profit and loss

Q19. What is referred to as buying and selling of goods ?
  1. Normal account
  2. Real Account
  3. Profit and loss account
  4. Trading account

Q20. Which factor determines the cost of the product ?
  1. Direct cost
  2. Elements of cost
  3. Indirect cost
  4. Stantdard cost

Q21. What is the shortcut key to export the report in ASCII, SDF, HTML or XML format ?
  1. Alt + C
  2. Alt + D
  3. Alt + E
  4. Alt + X

Q22. Who gives benefits without receiving money, but will claim in future ?
  1. Creditor
  2. Debtor
  3. Owner
  4. Worker

Question Level - 2

Q1. Which is the ledger grouping for bills receivable in Tally ERP9 ?
  1. Fixed asset
  2. Current asset
  3. Direct expenses
  4. Indirect expenses

Q2. What is the purpose of financial management feature in Tally ?
  1. Handles different types of vouchers
  2. Allows importing and exporting data
  3. Provides budgeting option
  4. Provides option for data backup

Q3. What is the purpose of Inventory Management Feature in Tally ?
  1. Provides option for data backup
  2. Provides all relevant information for any stock item in a single screen
  3. provides daily balance and transaction value
  4. Provides option to upload reports on the website directly

Q4. What is the purpose of security feature in Tally ?
  1. Provides budget option
  2. Provides option for data backup
  3. Provides option to upload reports
  4. Provides statement of accounts

Q5. Which term is used for receiving aspects of a transaction ?
  1. Credit
  2. Debit
  3. Profit
  4. Receipt

Q6. What is the purpose to Tally audit feature in Tally ERP 9 ?
  1. Allows easy analysis of result / report with graphical values
  2. Allows statutory reporting for VAT, CST, TCS, TDS, FBT, GST
  3. Allows splittting of company data into multiple companines
  4. Verify, validate and accept accounting information

Q7. Which combination of key is used to change the financial period in Tally ?
  1. F2
  2. Alt + F2
  3. Ctrl + F2
  4. Shift + F2

Q8. Whic combination of key is used to open "Tally Reference Manual" ?
  1. Alt + H
  2. Alt + M
  3. Alt + R
  4. Alt + T

Q9. Which function of key is used the list/select a company in Tally ?
  1. F1
  2. F3
  3. F5
  4. F7

Q10. Where does the transactions are entered before taken to the appropriate ledger account ?
  1. Balance sheet
  2. Journals
  3. Receipts
  4. Vouchers

Q11. Which term is used for the amount invested for starting a business by a person ?
  1. Asset
  2. Capital
  3. Debit
  4. Liabilities

Q12. What is the purpose of Technological feature in Tally ?
  1. Allows importing and exporting data
  2. Flexible units of measure
  3. Provides budgeting option
  4. Provies option for data backup

Q13. Which term is used for giving aspect of a transaction ?
  1. Credit
  2. Debit
  3. Journal
  4. Voucher

Q14. Which term is used for all the amounts payable by a business concern to outsiders ?
  1. Assets
  2. Capitals
  3. Debits
  4. Liabilities

Q15. Which is a statement of all the ledger account balance prepared at the end of particular period to verify the accuracy of the entries ?
  1. Journals
  2. Receipts
  3. Trial Balance
  4. Vouchers

Q16. What is the purpose of Ctrl + Q key is the Gateway of Tally screen ?
  1. Close the tally screen
  2. Quit tally current screen
  3. Exit with confimation
  4. Exit without confirmation

Q17. What is the purpose of Alt + W key in Tally ?
  1. Change the financial period
  2. Invoke Tally Reference Manual
  3. Open default web browser
  4. Exist Tally without confirmation

Q18. Which combination of function key is used to open inventory voucher's entry menu ?
  1. Alt + F1
  2. Alt + F2
  3. Alt + F5
  4. Alt + F7

Q19. Which combiantion of key is used to save the information in Tally ?
  1. Ctrl + A
  2. Ctrl + I
  3. Ctrl + S
  4. Ctrl + X

Q20. Which shortcut key is used to shut a company from the gateway of Tally screen ?
  1. Alt + F1
  2. Alt + F3
  3. Alt + F5
  4. Alt + F7

Q21. Which register is used to post the journal entries periodically ?
  1. Bill book
  2. Cash book
  3. Ledger
  4. Trial Balances

Q22. Which sequence of option is used to view the trial balance on the screen ?
  1. Gateway of Tally - Trial Balance
  2. Gateway of Tally - Display - Trial Balance
  3. Gateway to Tally - Accounts info - Trial Balance
  4. Gateway of Tally - Display - Account book - Trial Balance

Q23. Which report displays the summary of all the cost centres under a cost category ?
  1. Category summary
  2. Cost centre Break-up
  3. Group Break-up
  4. Ledger Break-up

Q24. Which function key is used to enter purchase ?
  1. F6
  2. F7
  3. F8
  4. F9

Q25. Which function key is used to enter receipts ?
  1. F2
  2. F4
  3. F6
  4. F8

Q26. Which shortcut key is used to open debit Note Voucher ?
  1. Alt + F9
  2. Alt + F10
  3. Ctrl + F9
  4. Ctrl + F10

Q27. Which shortcut key is used to open debit Note Voucher ?
  1. Alt + F9
  2. Alt + F10
  3. Ctrl + F9
  4. Ctrl + F10

Q28. Which shortcut key is used to remove a line in a report in report screen ?
  1. Alt + I
  2. Alt + R
  3. Alt + S
  4. Alt + X

Q29. Which feature offers a parallel classification of stock item ?
  1. Shock categories
  2. Stock group
  3. Stock item
  4. Stoch query

Q30. Which budget is prepared for a very short period ?
  1. Current budget
  2. Long term budget
  3. Rolling budget
  4. Short term budget

Q31. Which ratio evaluate the availability of cash to pay debit ?
  1. Activity ratio
  2. Debit ratio
  3. Liquidity ratio
  4. Market ratio

Q32. Which function key is used to enter payment ?
  1. F3
  2. F5
  3. F7
  4. F9

Q33. Which report displays ledgers and group summary information for the selected cost centre ?
  1. Category summary
  2. Cost centre Break-up
  3. Ledger Break - up
  4. Group Break - up

Q34. Which name indicates the decreasing value of an Asset ?
  1. Current asset
  2. Depreciation
  3. Indirect expenses
  4. Sundry debitor

Q35. Which shortcut key is used to cancel a voucher in Day book / List of vouchers in Tally ?
  1. Alt + D
  2. Alt + I
  3. Alt + S
  4. Alt + X

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