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Module 2: Programming With VBA (ITI COPA)

ITI COPA TRADE : आपके ITI COPA की परीक्षा जल्द ही होने वाली है इसलिए ये बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न आपके लिए अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण सिद्ध होंगे | आज की इस पोस्ट में आपको ITI COPA के Module 2 से सम्बंधित सभी प्रश्नों को यहाँ दिया गया है | जिससे आपके एग्जाम की अच्छी तैयारी हो जायेगी |

    नमस्कार दोस्तों 🙏 , स्वागत हैं आपका हमारी वेबसाइट "ज्ञान और शिक्षा" में |

    Question Level - 1

    Q1. Which VBA built in function returns location at the second string occurs within the first string ?
    1. Mid()
    2. Chr()
    3. ASC()
    4. Instr()

    Q2. Which keyword is used to declare the variable in project scope ?
    1. Static
    2. Private
    3. Public
    4. Protect

    Q3. In VBA, How many types of access specifiers available in VBA ?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 6

    Q4. Which type of variable cannot be declared within a procedure in VBA ?
    1. Project scope
    2. Local scope
    3. Global scope
    4. Module scope

    Q5. Which variable recognized only within the procedure in which it is declared ?
    1. Local scope
    2. Module scope
    3. Global scope
    4. Project scope

    Q6. How many levels of variable scope available in VBA ?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 7

    Q7. What will be the oupt of following VBA code, Debug.printformate(#1/1/2017#,"yyyy/mm/dd") ?
    1. 1/1/2017
    2. Sun, Jan01, 2017
    3. 2017/01/01
    4. Sunday, January 01, 2017

    Q8. Which function returns true if the expression is a valid date, otherwise it returns false in VBA ?
    1. CDate()
    2. IsDate()
    3. Day()
    4. Dateadd()

    Q9. What is the full form of UDF in VBA ?
    1. User Data Functions
    2. User Defined Functions
    3. Undefined Functions
    4. Used Date Functions

    Q10. Which function returns the day of the month (number from 1 to 31) given date value in VBA ?
    1. Day()
    2. Date()
    3. Month()
    4. Date part()

    Q11. Which function returns the current system date and time in VBA ?
    1. Date()
    2. Day()
    3. Hour()
    4. Now()

    Q12. Which function extracts the first 5 characters from a string in VBA ?
    1. Right(str,5)
    2. Left(str, 5)
    3. Mid(str,5)
    4. Substr(str,5)

    Q13. Which color of dot indicate the breakpoint in VBA ?
    1. Grey
    2. Yellow
    3. Maroon
    4. Red

    Q14. Which shortcut key is used to set the properties of form while designing ?
    1. F4
    2. Ctrl + F4
    3. Alt + F4
    4. Shift + F4

    Q15. Which Shortcut key is used to open code window in VBA ?
    1. F7
    2. Ctrl + F7
    3. Alt + F7
    4. Shift + F7

    Q16. Which code is used to display a user form in VBA ?
    1. Load user form1
    2. User
    3. User False
    4. User Form1.Load

    Q17. Which mathematical function returns square root of a specified number in VBA ?
    1. Sqt()
    2. Squr()
    3. Sqrt()
    4. Sqr()

    Q18. Which VBA function is used to convert the string from uppercase to lowercase ?
    1. Lcase()
    2. Lower()
    3. Ucase()
    4. Upper()

    Q19. Which of the following is logical operator in VBA ?
    1. +
    2. -
    3. *
    4. And

    Q20. Which character is to be suffixed for long data type in VBA ?
    1. &
    2. !
    3. #
    4. @

    Q21. What is the storage size of decimal data type is VBA ?
    1. 2 bytes
    2. 4 bytes
    3. 8 bytes
    4. 12 bytes

    Q22. What is the storage size of currency data type in VBA ?
    1. 2
    2. 4
    3. 8
    4. 12

    Q23. How many numberic data type available in Excel VBA ?
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 7
    4. 8

    Q24. What is the another name for keywords in VBA ?
    1. Literals
    2. Variables
    3. User defined words
    4. Reserved words

    Q25. Which key word is used to to declare the variable in VBA ?
    1. Sub
    2. Declare
    3. Dim
    4. As

    Q26. Which data type can hold any type of values in VBA ?
    1. Variant
    2. Variable
    3. Constant
    4. Keyword

    Q27. Which entitie hold data in VBA ?
    1. Literals
    2. Constants
    3. Keywords
    4. Variables

    Q28. Which worksheet method is used to copy a sheet to another location in the workbook ?
    1. Activate
    2. Copy
    3. Save as
    4. Select

    Q29. Which VBA worksheet property return or sets a string value that represents the object name ?
    1. Name
    2. Index
    3. Range
    4. Cells

    Q30. Which method displays the data form associated with the worksheet in VBA ?
    1. Copy
    2. Printout
    3. Show Data Form
    4. Select

    Q31. Which VBA property returns a range object that represent all the cells on the worksheet ?
    1. Cells
    2. Rows
    3. Index
    4. Name

    Q32. Which object is member of the workbook ?
    1. Sheets
    2. Workbook
    3. Worksheet
    4. Range

    Q33. Which type of workbook method cannot be modified in VBA ?
    1. Close
    2. Save
    3. Save as
    4. Protect

    Q34. Which workbook property returns a string value that represents the same of the object in VBA ?
    1. Full name
    2. Name
    3. Path
    4. Worksheets

    Q35. Which workbook property returns the name of the object including its path on disk in VBA ?
    1. Full name
    2. Name
    3. Path
    4. Worksheets

    Q36. Which can hold lot of data with one variable in VBA ?
    1. Arrays
    2. Collections
    3. Groups
    4. Methods

    Q37. Which type of list box enables one choice of adjacent choice in VBA ?
    1. Drop down list
    2. Single - Selection list box
    3. Multiple - selection list box
    4. Extended - selection list box

    Q38. Which button has three state in VBA ?
    1. Option button
    2. Spin button
    3. Push button
    4. Command button

    Q39. Which box groups related controls into one visual unit in a rectangle with an optional label ?
    1. Option button
    2. Spin button
    3. Push button
    4. Command button

    Q40. Which is used to create user interface forms ?
    1. C
    2. VBA
    3. HTML
    4. Javascipt

    Q41. Where does Excel come in object hierarchy of VBA ?
    1. Range Object
    2. Workbook object
    3. Worksheet object
    4. Application object

    Q42. Which shortcut key is used to open project explorer window in VBA ?
    1. Ctrl + R
    2. Ctrl + P
    3. Ctrl + W
    4. Ctrl + E

    Q43. Which shortcut key is used to open VBA Editor from the Excel worksheet ?
    1. Cltr + F11
    2. Alt + F11
    3. Ctrl + V
    4. Ctrl + F7

    Q44. What is the full form of IDE ?
    1. Integrated Development Element
    2. Internal Development Environment
    3. Integrated Development Environment
    4. Internal Distributed Environment

    Q45. Which shortcut key is used to step into line by line execution in VBA ?
    1. F2
    2. F4
    3. F5
    4. F8

    Q46. What is called the set of commands bundled together under one name ?
    1. Properties
    2. Macros
    3. Procedures
    4. Events

    Q47. What is called the set of statement that are executed under one name ?
    1. Macros
    2. Properties
    3. Procedures
    4. Events

    Q48. Which one is attributes of an object in VBA ?
    1. Procedures
    2. Events
    3. Macros
    4. Properties

    Q49. What is called double clicking an object in VBA ?
    1. Events
    2. Macros
    3. Procedures
    4. Methods

    Q50. Which is used to type/edit the programming code in VBA ?
    1. Form window
    2. Propertices window
    3. Immediate window
    4. Visual basic editor

    Q51. What is the alternate name of Bugs ?
    1. Errors
    2. Keywords
    3. Variables
    4. Constants

    Q52. Which shortcut key is used to open the Visual Basic Editor in VBA ?
    1. Alt + F11
    2. Ctrl + F11
    3. Shirt + F11
    4. Shift + Ctrl + F11

    Question Level - 2

    Q1. Which simplifies the work to be eliminating or rewriting the code in VBA ?
    1. Class
    2. Object
    3. Macros
    4. Functions

    Q2. Which type of variable can be accessed or used by subroutines outside the modules in VBA ?
    1. Static
    2. Private
    3. Protect
    4. Public

    Q3. Where there is no difference between dim and private in VBA ?
    1. Local scope
    2. Module scope
    3. Global scope
    4. Project scope

    Q4. Which method is used to pass the reference to the arguments ?
    1. Ref
    2. Val
    3. Reference
    4. By Ref

    Q5. Which function is used to check whether the given input is numeric or Not in VBA ?
    1. Numeric()
    2. Isnumber()
    3. Isnumeric()
    4. Isnum()

    Q6. Which function returns specified part of a given date in VBA ?
    1. Day()
    2. Datevalue()
    3. Datediff()
    4. Datepart()

    Q7. Which function returns the difference between two date values based on the interval specified in VBA ?
    1. Day()
    2. Daudiff()
    3. Datediff()
    4. Datedif()

    Q8. What is the return type of CSng function in VBA ?
    1. Boolean
    2. Variant
    3. Single
    4. String

    Q9. Which VBA code is used to load user form into memory but do not display ?
    1. User
    2. Load.userform1
    3. Userform1.load
    4. Show userform1

    Q10. Which VBA code is used to remove the user form from memory ?
    2. Userform1.hide
    3. Unload userform1
    4. User form show false

    Q11. Which window displays the watched expression including the one just added ?
    1. Module window
    2. Immediate window
    3. Watch window
    4. Debug window

    Q12. Which one is indicated by a red dot with a line of code highlighted in red in VBA ?
    1. Break point
    2. Start point
    3. End point
    4. Error point

    Q13. Which function returns the integer portion of a number in VBA ?
    1. Int()
    2. Formate()
    3. Abs()
    4. Sign()

    Q14. Which is used to repeats the same steps in case of frequency needed actions in VBA ?
    1. Class
    2. Object
    3. Functions
    4. Macros

    Q15. Which funciton returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle in VBA ?
    1. Abs()
    2. Cos()
    3. Cosh()
    4. hcos()

    Q16. Which mathematical function generates a random number in VBA ?
    1. Random()
    2. Rnd()
    3. Rand()
    4. Round()

    Q17. Which operators are concatenation operator in VBA ?
    1. + and -
    2. & and -
    3. & and +
    4. & and *

    Q18. Which type of words cannot use for any other purpose in VBA ?
    1. Literals
    2. Keywords
    3. Constants
    4. Variables

    Q19. Which is a series of items where all items share the same properties and methods in VBA ?
    1. Arrays
    2. Groups
    3. Methods
    4. Collections

    Q20. Which button allows a single choice within a limited set of mutually exclusive choice ?
    1. Buttons
    2. Option button
    3. Spin Button
    4. Toggle Button

    Q21. Which box has three states in VBA ?
    1. List box
    2. Combo box
    3. Check Box
    4. Group Box

    Q22. Which one creates a box with a scrollable list containing a number of input values in VBA ?
    1. Combo box
    2. Option button
    3. Text box
    4. List box

    Q23. Which control is suitable to collect the input from the user in VBA ?
    1. Label
    2. Text Box
    3. Command Button
    4. User form

    Q24. Which is a proper object hierarchy in VBA ?
    1. Worksheet, workbook, application, range
    2. Range, application, worksheet, workbook
    3. Range, worksheet, workbook, application
    4. Application, workbook, worksheet, range

    Q25. What is the shortcut key to run the current procedure in VBA ?
    1. F2
    2. F4
    3. F5
    4. F8

    Q26. Which window displays the entire list of local varibles and their current values in VBA ?
    1. Locals window
    2. Watch window
    3. Immediate window
    4. Debugging window

    Q27. Which window is similiar to the locals window, but is used to tracing the variables in VBA ?
    1. Call stack window
    2. Watch window
    3. Immediate window
    4. Debugging window

    Q28. Which shortcut key is used to open the immediate window ?
    1. Ctrl + G
    2. Ctrl + L
    3. Alt + G
    4. Alt + L

    Q29. What is the another name trigger for an action in VBA ?
    1. Methods
    2. Modules
    3. Events
    4. Macros

    Q30. Which shortcut key allows debugger to run the current procedure and go line after line called the procedure in VBA ?
    1. Ctrl + Shift + F6
    2. Ctrl + Shift + F7
    3. Ctrl + Shift + F8
    4. Ctrl + Shift + F9

    Q31. While debugging code, which statement allows to go to the highlighted line ?
    1. Step into
    2. Step over
    3. Step out
    4. Show next

    Q32. Which control is used to increase or decrease a value, such as a number time or date ?
    1. Scroll Bar
    2. Spin Button
    3. Combo Box
    4. Toggle Button

    Question Level - 3

    Q1. Which VBA function compares given strings and returns -1 if the first string is smaller than the second string, returns 0 if both are equal and 1 if the first string is greater than second string ?
    1. Strcmp
    2. Strcomp
    3. Compare
    4. Scmp

    Q2. Which scope does the variable declared with dim and remains in the existance only as long as the procedure in which if is declared is running ?
    1. Global scope
    2. Local scope
    3. Module scope
    4. Project scope

    Q3. What will be the output of the following VBA code, Sub test() a = 9 Debug.Print.Sqr(a) End sub ?
    1. 3
    2. 9
    3. 18
    4. 81

    Q4. What will be the output for the following VBA code. Debug.print DateDiff("yyyy","1/12/2016","31/1/2017") ?
    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. 11
    4. 30

    Q5. What will be the output of the following VBA code, sub text() x = "institue" Debug.print Format(x,">") End sub ?
    1. Institute
    2. institute
    4. instiTUTE

    Q6. What will be the output of the following VBA code, Sub test() Dim S AS string S = "wholehearted" Debug.Print mid(s,6,4) End sub ?
    1. arte
    2. hear
    3. hole
    4. eart

    Q7. What will be the output of the following VBA code, Sub test() a = "Computer operator" Debug.Print left(a,10) End sub ?
    1. Operator
    2. Computer o
    3. Computer
    4. Computer operator

    Q8. What will be the output of the following VBA code, Sub test() Dim I as integer Dim S as string S = "Time is money" I = len(s) Debug.print "The length is " & I End sub ?
    1. 13
    2. The length is 11
    3. The length is 13
    4. The LENGTH IS 13

    Q9. What will be the output of the following VBA Function. Sub stg() Str = "Mathematics" Debug.Print right(str, 6) End sub ?
    1. matics
    2. Mathem
    3. Mathemat
    4. Mathematics

    Thank You
    for any further Information Please Comment.
    (किसी भी अन्य जानकारी के लिए, कृपया कमेंट जरूर करें |)

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