EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS - ENTREPRENUERSHIP QUESTION : आज की इस पोस्ट में आपको Employability Skills से सम्बंधित ENTREPRENUERSHIP के सभी प्रकार के प्रश्न मिल जायेंगे | ये सभी प्रश्न पिछले सभी वर्षो में भी पूछे गये थे और आगे भी पूछेंगे जायेंगे | ये सभी प्रश्न बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है कृपया ध्यान से पढ़ें| यह ENTREPRENUERSHIP QUESTIONS का दूसरा पार्ट है First part का लिंक नीचे दिया गया है
Q33. What does 'R' in SMART stand for ?
Q34. What does 'T' in SMART stand for?
Q35. The 4Ps of a good sales pitch are: promise, picture, pitch and ______?
Q36. Showing the customer that your product actually works and does what it says, is called _____ in a sales pitch.
Q37. Your final selling statement – one that will ensure the sale is called a ______.
Q38. The amount collected by selling a product or service is called sales.
Q39. The methods of tracking our money that will help manage our finances is called ___________.
Q40. Managing Money helps us determine our profits and losses.
Q41. _____ can be accounted for as business expenses.
Q42. Money Management can help us understand and keep track of: ______
Q43. Which of the following is not a part of Money Management?
Q44. Sheetal has a clothing retail business. She spends a total of Rs.3000 for 20 tops. She sells 20 tops for Rs.4500. Sheetal has made a ______?
Q45. What is the full form of COGS?
Q46. The formula for COGS is ____
Q47. Inventory Value is ____
Q48. The techniques which one applies to promote goods or services and increase sales is called _______
Q49. Which of the following are methods of marketing?
Q50. Sponsoring local events like cricket matches or Diwali celebrations is a marketing method.
Q51. Shilpa is going door to door selling handicrafts. This is an example of ___ marketing.
Q52. Reena sells her product in creative packaging that customers like. This is a marketing method.
Q53. Which of these is not a Marketing method?
Q54. Anitha started a TikTok account for her crafts business. She used ________ marketing strategy
Q55. Which of these is not online marketing?
Q56. While carrying out business, doing the morally right thing is considered as _____________.
Q57. Discipline, Honesty, Accountability and _________ are the core values while talking to customers.
Q58. Being responsible for your actions towards customers is known as _________.
Q59. Business ethics are for customers only.
Q60. An entreprenuer should ensure that the products and services should not harm the customer.
Q61. Which of these are ethics for business?
Q62. Whose right is this? The right to be protected against the marketing of goods and services that are hamrful to life and property.
Q63. When you tell a business story, the following steps shoule be followed: a. ___________ b. your struggles c. how you solved problems d. closing
Q64. A ________ describes what a company desires to achieve in the long-run.
Q65. The most critical part of your business success story is your ____
नमस्कार दोस्तों 🙏 , स्वागत हैं आपका हमारी वेबसाइट "ज्ञान और शिक्षा" में |मेरी इस के माध्यम से आज के इस EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS - ENTREPRENUERSHIP QUESTIONS टॉपिक को दो भागों में बाँट गया है, जिससे आपको, प्रश्नों को हल करने में कोई भी समस्य न हो |
Q32. What does 'A' in SMART stand for?- Action
- Achievable
- Ambitious
- Awareness
Q33. What does 'R' in SMART stand for ?
- Realistic
- Retail
- Recycle
- Responsibility
Q34. What does 'T' in SMART stand for?
- Threat
- Timely
- Trust
- Talent
Q35. The 4Ps of a good sales pitch are: promise, picture, pitch and ______?
- Product
- Proof
- Price
- Public
Q36. Showing the customer that your product actually works and does what it says, is called _____ in a sales pitch.
- Picture
- Power
- Product
- Proof
Q37. Your final selling statement – one that will ensure the sale is called a ______.
- Product
- Pitch
- Picture
- Proof
Q38. The amount collected by selling a product or service is called sales.
- True
- False
Q39. The methods of tracking our money that will help manage our finances is called ___________.
- Acountancy
- Money Management
- Income
- Saving of Money
Q40. Managing Money helps us determine our profits and losses.
- True
- False
Q41. _____ can be accounted for as business expenses.
- Rent
- Equipment
- Labour charges
- All of the above
Q42. Money Management can help us understand and keep track of: ______
- money available
- expenditure incurred
- income generated
- All of the above
Q43. Which of the following is not a part of Money Management?
- Manufacturing
- Loss
- Cash avaliable
- Profit
Q44. Sheetal has a clothing retail business. She spends a total of Rs.3000 for 20 tops. She sells 20 tops for Rs.4500. Sheetal has made a ______?
- Loss
- Profit
Q45. What is the full form of COGS?
- Cost of Goods Sold
- Care of Good Sale
- Care of Good sale
- Cost of Good sale
Q46. The formula for COGS is ____
- Total Sales- COGS
- Money remaining + sales
- Total purchases – inventory at the end of the month
- Opening balance – expenses
Q47. Inventory Value is ____
- Total Sales
- Money Remaining
- Monetary value of unsold products
- Amount spent on paying rent
Q48. The techniques which one applies to promote goods or services and increase sales is called _______
- Marketing Techniques
- Money Management
- Product pitching
- Customer Service
Q49. Which of the following are methods of marketing?
- Word of Mouth
- Schemes & Discount
- Social Media page promotion
- All of the above
Q50. Sponsoring local events like cricket matches or Diwali celebrations is a marketing method.
- True
- False
Q51. Shilpa is going door to door selling handicrafts. This is an example of ___ marketing.
- Online
- Offline
- Mass
- None
Q52. Reena sells her product in creative packaging that customers like. This is a marketing method.
- True
- False
Q53. Which of these is not a Marketing method?
- Word of mouth
- Instagram account for business
- Paying rent
- 20% Discount on products
Q54. Anitha started a TikTok account for her crafts business. She used ________ marketing strategy
- Online Marketing
- Poster
- Tagline
- Networking
Q55. Which of these is not online marketing?
- Facebook Post
- Business Website
- Instagram Story
- 30% discount on your first store visit
Q56. While carrying out business, doing the morally right thing is considered as _____________.
- consumer law
- business ethics
- decision making
- business strategy
Q57. Discipline, Honesty, Accountability and _________ are the core values while talking to customers.
- Respect
- Kindness
- Power
- Money
Q58. Being responsible for your actions towards customers is known as _________.
- Accountability
- Discipline
- Marketing
- Respect
Q59. Business ethics are for customers only.
- True
- False
Q60. An entreprenuer should ensure that the products and services should not harm the customer.
- True
- False
Q61. Which of these are ethics for business?
- Respecting Consumer Rights
- Treating everyone fairly, from customers to co-workers to employees
- Saying no to bribes
- All of the above
Q62. Whose right is this? The right to be protected against the marketing of goods and services that are hamrful to life and property.
- consumer
- business
- child
- citizen
Q63. When you tell a business story, the following steps shoule be followed: a. ___________ b. your struggles c. how you solved problems d. closing
- customer
- family
- introduction
- friends
Q64. A ________ describes what a company desires to achieve in the long-run.
- Ethical practice
- Marketing strategy
- Business strategy
- vision statement
Q65. The most critical part of your business success story is your ____
- Introduction
- Challenges
- Supporters
- All of the above
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(किसी भी अन्य जानकारी के लिए, कृपया कमेंट जरूर करें |)
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