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Definition of Adverb and his Kinds.


परिभाषा- adverb वाक्य में ऐसा शब्द हैं जो verb या adjective या अन्य adverb या adjective phrase को विशेषता प्रदान करता है / संशोधित करता है / उसके अर्थ में कुछ वृद्धि करता है |
Defination- An adverb is that word in a sentence which modifies the meaning of verb or adjective or another verb or adjective phrase.
(a) He ran fast. - (Verb ran को संसोधित करता हैं |)
(b) These are very sweet mangoes. - (Adjective Sweet को संसोधित करता हैं |)
(c) He speaks very loudly. - (Adverb Loudly को संसोधित करता हैं |)
(d) He was sitting close beside her. - (Adverbial phrase, Beside here को संसोधित करता हैं |)

Note-  जब Adverb का प्रयोग  वाक्य के  शुरू में होता हैं तो  वह सारे वाक्य को को संसोधित करता हैं |
Ex- (a) Certainly she is right.
(b) Fortunately we escaped unhunt.

Kind of Adverb

  1. Simple Adverb
  2. Relative Adverb
  3. Interrogative Adverb


1- Simple Adverb- There are many type of Simple Adverb.

(a) Adverb of Time:- These adverb answer the questions "when". / ये कार्य के सम्पन्न होने के समय को व्यक्त करते हैं| 
Ex- daily, since, yesterday, soon, tomorrow etc.
* He will go to tomorrow.
* I met him yesterday.

(b) Adverb of place:- These adverb answer the question " where" ये कार्य के स्थान को व्यक्त करते हैं |
Ex- Here, there, everywhere, in , away, up etc.
*They were coming here.
*Dust is everywhere.

(c) Adverb of Frequency or number:- These adverb answer the question "how often". / ये कार्य कितनी बार हुआ, को व्यक्त करते हैं |
Ex- Frequency, again, often,always seldom, once, twice .
*You are always welcome.
* I often go there.

(d) Adverb of manner:- These adverb answer the question "in what manner". / ये कार्य किस प्रकार सम्पन्न हुआ को, व्यक्त करते हैं |
Ex- Fast, swiftly, quickly, easily, slowly, loudly, bravely, carefully etc.
*Walk carefully.
*Ram ran fast.

(e) Adverb of degree or quantity:- These adverb answer the question "how much" or " in what degree" / ये adverbs, degree, quantity को व्यक्त करता है|
Ex- Fully, very, rather, perfectly, pretty, almost, little, enough, quite etc.
*He is quite stronge.
*He is very beautifull.

(f) Adverb of affirmation and negative:- ये सकारात्मकता या नकारात्मकता को व्यक्त करते हैं 
Ex- Certainly, surely, never, always, definitely etc.
*I will never go there.
*We will certainly help you.

(g) Adverb of Reasons:- These adverb answer the questio "why". / ये कार्य के कारण को व्यक्त करते है|
Ex- Therefore, hence, on account of etc.
*He did not work hard therefore he failed.
*Hence, i am not felling well, i am unable to work.

2- Relative Adverbs

ये Adverb, Antecendent(पूर्वपद) के साथ सम्बन्ध व्यक्त करते है | इस तरह के adverb हैं :- What, When, Where, Why, Whatever etc.
Ex- (a) I know where she lives.
(b) I understand the point what you say.

उपरोक्त वाक्यों में Where, What, Where, When, Relative Adverbs हैं  जो antecedents के साथ संबंथ के व्यक्त करते हैं|  Antecent means which comes before.

3- Interrogative Adverbs

ये adverb प्रश्न करने हेतु प्रयुक्त होते हैं | 
Ex- When, how, what, where, how much, how long, how many etc.
(a) What is your name?
(b) How are you?

Yes Or No Adverb:- जो  adverb Yes या No के रूप में पूरे वाक्य को व्यक्त करते हैं Yes or No Adverb कहलाते हैं|
Ex- (a) Do you know me ? Yes.  (Yes, I know you)
(b) Have you played? No.   (No, I have not played)

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