EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS - ENGLISH LITERACY (ITI): आज की इस पोस्ट में आपको Employability Skills से सम्बंधित English Literacy के सभी प्रकार के प्रश्न मिल जायेंगे| ये सभी प्रश्न पिछले सभी वर्षो में भी पूछे गये थे और आगे भी पूछेंगे जायेंगे | ये सभी प्रश्न बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है कृपया ध्यान से पढ़ें| .

नमस्कार दोस्तों 🙏 , स्वागत हैं आपका हमारी वेबसाइट "ज्ञान और शिक्षा" में |

मेरे द्वारा इन EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS - ENGLISH LITERACY QUESTIONS को दो भागों में बाँट गया है, जिससे आपको, प्रश्नों को हल करने में कोई भी समस्य न हो | 



Q41. "When someone says 'Thank you' we should reply and say ______."
  1. Thank you.
  2. You're welcome.
  3. Bye-bye
  4. How are you?

Q42. Which of these phrases will you use to give opinion?
  1. It is about...
  2. Can you..?
  3. Tell me about...
  4. I think..

Q43. Which of these is a form of non-verbal communication?
  1. Talking to colleagues.
  2. "
  3. Facial expressions
  4. Talking over phone
  5. "
  6. Talking to colleagues.

Q44. "Even without speaking, people may understand your feelings through your _________________."
  1. facial expressions
  2. body language
  3. gestures
  4. All the above

Q45. "Which expressions will you choose to address your boss in an email?"
  1. Hey Manickam,
  2. Dear Manickam,
  3. Dear Sir,
  4. None

Q46. I join metal parts together. I am a ________________.
  1. Fitter
  2. welder
  3. plumber
  4. machinist

Q47. "I help in designing and building houses. I am an _____________"
  1. fitter
  2. turner
  3. architectural assistant
  4. nurse

Q48. "Choose a correct reply to the given question: What do you do?"
  1. It is at Kumaran Nagar, Chennai.
  2. " "
  3. I am a desktop publisher at ABC Software Solutions.
  4. "
  5. I go by train.
  6. None.

Q49. The expression, "To sum up.." is used to _______.
  1. end a discussion
  2. initiate a discussion
  3. Ask for an opinion
  4. Ask a doubt

Q50. Which expression would you choose to agree with someone?
  1. In my experience...
  2. "
  3. You're absolutely right.
  4. "
  5. It is considered..
  6. Yes, but...

Q51. "Vimla was leaning against the wall during the group discussion. Which aspect of discussion did she miss?"
  1. impressive beginning
  2. "
  3. correct posture
  4. smile
  5. "
  6. loud and dominating voice

Q52. "When talking to a caller after putting them on hold, what should you say?"
  1. Nice that you have no other work
  2. " "
  3. I told you that it was going to take long
  4. "
  5. Thank you for holding
  6. None of the above

Q53. How many phases are there in a telephone call?
  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 3

Q54. What are important aspects of your voice?
  1. the volume
  2. the speed
  3. the tone
  4. All the above.

Q55. "You are on a call and are not able to hear well. How will you ask the person to be louder?"
  1. Can you speak loudly?
  2. " "
  3. Could you please speak a little louder?
  4. "
  5. Speak loudly.
  6. None of the above.

Q56. "You are having a conversation with your colleague and then your phone rings. What would you say?"
  1. You will ignore the call.
  2. " "
  3. You will request your colleague to wait and you answer the important call.
  4. " "
  5. Answer the phone and put the caller on hold.
  6. " "
  7. You will talk to the caller and leave your colleague stranded.

Q57. "When giving negative information over phone call, how should you speak?"
  1. Just speak.
  2. Speak loudly
  3. "
  4. Should not answer the call at all.
  5. "
  6. Should be polite.

Q58. Choose the odd word.
  1. please
  2. sorry
  3. paper
  4. thanks

Q59. "Fill in the blank with the right word. The company _________ goods to Vietnam."
  1. exports
  2. buys
  3. falls
  4. goes

Q60. "What will be the right statement for...? There is fire in the factory."
  1. Water problem is solved.
  2. "
  3. Entry is restricted.
  4. You can go inside.
  5. We won the match.

Q61. "Rearrange the following words to from a sentence. oldman/ reading/ was/ the/ newspaper"
  1. Newspaper was reading the oldman
  2. " "
  3. newspaper reading the oldman
  4. " "
  5. The old man was reading newspaper.
  6. "
  7. None of the above.

Q62. "Frame a question for this response. I missed the bus."
  1. Why late?
  2. Why are you late?
  3. What are you doing?
  4. "
  5. Why missed the bus?

Q63. "Change the sentence to past tense. He is writing."
  1. She is writing.
  2. He writing.
  3. He was writing
  4. We are writing.

Q64. Which expression will you use to introduce yourself?
  1. My name is ....
  2. I am.....
  3. "
  4. Pleased to meet you, I am....
  5. "
  6. All the above

Q65. How will you disagree politely?
  1. I don't like what you say..
  2. "
  3. I don't agree..
  4. "
  5. I am afraid I disagree with you in this.
  6. "
  7. I am afraid.

Q66. "Name the main skill that helps to learn other other language skills like reading, writing."
  1. Reading
  2. Speaking
  3. Writing
  4. Listening

Q67. "Listen to the teacher making the following announcement- A team of painters are coming tomorrow to paint the walls. There are plastic sheets in my room on the desk. I want you to put them over your desks. Now, answer the question. What does the teacher want her trainees to do?"
  1. Bring the paint from her room.
  2. " "
  3. Take the books from her desk.
  4. " "
  5. Cover the desks with plastic sheets.
  6. "
  7. None of the above.

Q68. What does listening involve?
  1. Hearing
  2. "
  3. understanding & responding
  4. "
  5. None of the above.
  6. Both A & B

Q69. Maintaining tools in good condition is _____________
  1. unnecessary
  2. essential
  3. equal
  4. formal

Q70. Where have you been all these ____________?
  1. While
  2. Days
  3. During
  4. Always

Q71. Rahul enjoys ____________ with his pet dog.
  1. playing
  2. writing
  3. doing
  4. washing

Q72. """Razia enjoys playing in the rain."" The naming word in this sentance is __________"
  1. Razia
  2. enjoys
  3. the
  4. rain

Q73. Today's weather is going to be _________________.
  1. Hopeful
  2. Warm
  3. Blue
  4. Urgent

Q74. Pick the sentence with correct punctuation.
  1. Where is the generator?
  2. " "
  3. Where is the generator!
  4. " "
  5. Where is the generator.
  6. " "
  7. Where is the generator,

Q75. "Identify the kind of sentence. Leave the room immediately."
  1. Interrogative
  2. Exclamatory
  3. Imperative
  4. Declarative

Q76. I am a welder. I work with ______
  1. nail polish
  2. robots
  3. welding tools
  4. laptops

Q77. "When you say ""I am sorry, pls come tomorrow"", you are _________"
  1. being rude
  2. fighting
  3. ignoring
  4. being polite

Q78. The phrase," May I explain what I mean? Is used to _______.
  1. elaborate
  2. apologise
  3. agree
  4. disagree

Q79. "Hey, Come and join us." To whom will you say this?
  1. teacher
  2. friend
  3. parent
  4. superior

Q80. "Choose the correct response to the given question ""Has Mallika called us for the party?"""
  1. She will go.
  2. I will certainly
  3. Yes, she has.
  4. Monday

Q81. "The statement, ""Please help me finish this"" can be used to _____."
  1. Make a request
  2. None
  3. Giving an opinion
  4. Share information


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